Cyber Security Liability Insurance
Doesn’t that only affect National Firms?
Many years ago, concerns about hackers and security breaches were only something that the local business only read about in the newspapers or heard about by other media. This was something that only affected large national companies. But now as virtually every business has entered the digital age with their own websites, on-line data storage and vital clients, prospects and employee that is now stored in their own computer server at their office. And as we now read the media and trade journals, we have now found that hackers and data breach thieves can and will access most any business.
So with this joyous thought, here are some insurance coverage areas that every business owner needs to review in their insurance program.
First Party Protection
a. Loss of digital assets
b. Non-physical Business Interruption
c. Cyber Extortion
d. Cyber Terrorism -
Third Party
a. Network Security and Privacy Liability
b. Employee Privacy Liability
c. Electronic Media Liability
For more details and insurance questions on this subject contact Ramey King Insurance at 800-453-9691, or visit our office at 320 Eagle, Denton, TX or visit our website at