Liquor Liability Insurance

The festive season is upon us and it’s always a fun and exciting time of year. November-January typically means multiple holiday parties and gatherings and with that in mind, now is a great time to start planning ahead. If you plan on hosting a reception at your home, or hosting a workplace event, there can be serious potential liabilities to consider…especially if alcohol is involved.
Much a like a bartender at a restaurant can be held legally accountable for over-serving someone, you could be held accountable if you over-serve alcohol at an event you hosted. Luckily with a little bit of forethought, you can ensure your home or event has the right insurance coverage. This peace of mind will also help ensure you host a safe and enjoyable holiday party.
You’ll want to review your homeowner’s insurance policy to ensure you have adequate protection in place for incidents that occur on your property. While homeowner’s insurance can provide basic coverage, if you purchase liquor liability insurance, it can help in the long run.
Liquor liability insurance is designed to protect you from financial damages associated with alcohol consumption at an event, and it includes property damage and bodily injury coverage. Usually, this form of insurance is purchased as event insurance.
Of course, minimizing risk ahead of time is crucial to ensuring a safe party. Using common sense and good judgment can go a long way in preventing incidents that you could be held responsible for.
We understand the 2020 Holiday Season might look a little different for you, your family, and your business this year. Nevertheless, it is still a good idea to look into liquor liability insurance if you plan on hosting any kind of event in which alcohol is present. It is always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to protecting yourself and your assets.
Here at Ramey King, we want you to have an enjoyable holiday season. Please contact us to learn more about liquor liability insurance.