Does My Car Insurance Cover Rental Vehicles?
There are all sorts of instances when you might rent a vehicle. It could be for when you are moving, need to haul large goods to/from your home, or when you go on vacation. Whatever the reason, you need to know whether your auto insurance will cover a rental vehicle.
Spending Money at the Rental Counter
The moment you rent any kind of vehicle, the people at the rental car counter are prepared to sell you insurance. This could potentially double or triple the cost of the rental vehicle. This means you have to stop for a moment and look at the coverage you already have on your personal insurance policy.
Rental car companies like to tell you that you need to have the coverage. However, this is often just a way for you to spend more money with them.
Exploring Your Coverage
The coverage on your auto insurance policy might be enough to cover a rental car. If you have at least the state minimum’s level of coverage as well as comprehensive coverage, it could save you some money at the rental car company.
The best thing for you to do is call your insurance company. Let them know about the details of the rental and find out if you have enough coverage. If you are in fact covered, then there’s no reason to spend more money with the rental car company. You already have coverage and so you shouldn’t spend double because it’s not going to provide you with double the coverage.
Plenty of customizations can be made to your policy. If you plan to rent vehicles, be sure you have the coverage in place with your auto insurance as it could save you a lot of money. Contact one of our insurance agents for help with your policy today.