8 Things to Look for in Picking a Roofer
A few tips for when you are looking to repair your roof 
This past Sunday, much of Denton County was bombarded by high winds and hail stones. You may have experienced some roof damage after the storms. When picking a company to repair the damage to your house, make sure you pick a reputable company.
Here is a check list of eight questions you should ask before choosing a roofer:
1) Are they local or in the area? Are they close enough to come back for follow ups?
2) How long have they been in business? Do they have the experience to get the work done? It takes several years in any business to be considered experienced.
3) Do you know them or have they worked for someone that you know? Be familiar with the roofer and their clients.
4) Do their clients refer them? Check their past track record with friends or acquaintances. Was the work satisfactory?
5) Can they do the type of work you need? Not all work is the same, your style of shingle, type of construction, pitch of the roof. More unusual houses sometimes cost more.
6) Are they insured or bonded? This way, should something go wrong or the work is never completed, you are protected.
7) Don’t let price be the only determinant; but instead consider value which is a combination of price and all the other issues that need to be addressed.
8) Consider several options and check references. Get a few bids from different contractors. Going with the cheapest option is not necessarily the best option. Do a little research to check which bid also has the best references.
Having a damaged roof can be stressful. However, rushing who you pick to do repairs can end up causing even more headaches. A little due diligence in choosing a contractor, can make a world of difference.