Is It Time To Winterize Your Insurance Program?
As we have been through one of the major winter storms for North Texas; a thought comes to mind, is there a way to winterize your insurance plan? 
We’ve always heard what we need to do at your home such as cover your plants and let your faucets drip; but is there something to do for your insurance on days like this? The answer is “yes”.
Let me go over some of these ideas as to how they can relate commercial insurance exposures and coverages. This may serve as a short list of what the business person should consider in the winter.
General Liability
How will the cold effect your current work or projects? Do you have property or equipment that will be exposed to the elements. For the contractors; do you need to protect or close off any work that could be damaged from extreme cold? Will equipment be exposed to damage? Can this equipment be brought inside or into a protected area? Trust me, it is less expensive to protect these items than it is to replace them or be without them.
Many of us can remember the excitement of driving as teenagers and letting the tires spin or power sliding around a turn on wet pavement. While this provides you with some fun in your past, the thought of your employees doing the same with your company vehicles may make your heart skip a beat. This may be time for snow chains or snow tires or even better, not taking the vehicles out at all if possible.
Workers Compensation
Remind your employees to watch their footing wherever they may be working. A little ice goes a long way when it is under your foot. We even lost an employee to a broken wrist years ago when they fell on the way to work on the ice and insurance supposed to be a low hazard workplace.
Frozen or bursting pipes; Water in the wrong place such as carpet or sheet rock is a tremendous mess. Collapse from weight of ice or snow. Pay attention to your carports and flat roofs; try to keep the snow or ice from staking up on these surfaces.
Health Insurance
As we already know, the winter season is also the cold & flu season. Provide your employees with the necessary elements of hygiene to avoid passing around the various season sicknesses. Many employers provide flu shots for free or reduced rates for employees as well as families.
Hopefully this list will provide some helpful ideas to avoid wintertime headaches. For more details on this subject or your insurance; contact Ramey King Insurance at 800-453-9691 or visit our website at or visit our office at 510 N. I35E, Denton, TX